MO Assurance Company (MOA) which started its journey as Golden Crescent Assurance, is the first step into the Financial Services sector by the promoters of METL (Mohammed Enterprises Tanzania Limited) Group of Companies. METL is a household name in Tanzania, whose products are popular in every Tanzanian home and which contributes to nearly 3% of GDP of the country.
The Company started Operations on 1st March 2007 and has established itself as a stable and growing non life insurer in the market with a healthy portfolio mix and notable presence in the micro insurance segment. MOA has pioneered the foray into mobile insurance scene with unique micro life and micro health insurance schemes. Presently under MOA’s micro insurance umbrella more than 600,000 people are covered. We had also ventured in to Agriculture Insurance through weather index insurance schemes for farmers. The focus of the Company is to provide affordable insurance coverage to maximum number of people. MOA’s aim is to position itself as “People’s Insurance Company”.
As a rebranding initiative, the name of company was changed from Golden Crescent to MO Assurance recently, to align it with the larger group identity of the MeTL Conglomeration.